MINDSETSHIFT with Mickey Feher
Mickey Feher a mindset researcher, psychologist, serial entrepreneur and author dives deep into the lives of Everyday Incredibles. These remarkable individuals are purpose-driven leaders and influencers from all walks of life. Tune in to hear how they dissect and shed light on the thought processes, mindset, daily practices, and the pivotal roles they've played in their extraordinary accomplishments. Listen to light bulb conversations with amazing guests, who driven by a higher purpose, share their invaluable insights and experiences to inspire and empower you on your own journey.
55 episodes
53#- The Impact of AI and The Mindset We Need to Tackle the Challenge with Tom Koulopoulos
In this episode, Mickey talks with Thomas Koulopoulos, the Chairman and founder of Delphi Group, a thirty-year-old Boston-based think tank that focuses on disruptive technology innovation. He is also the founding partner of Acrovantage Ve...

#52 - With Dr. Naomi Boness - Stanford U. - on Women in Science, Leading with Authenticity, Difficult Conversations
We dive in with Naomi Boness (Ph.D.), the Managing Director of the Natural Gas Initiative (NGI) at Stanford University. We talk about the experience of being a female leader on boards and in companies, and what it takes to remain authentic. She...

#51 Second Mountain, Second Chance And Selling As a Coach with Ryan Lang
When you observe the lives of financially successful people, it often seems like they are living the dream. However, this isn't always the case; frequently, their relationships or health are the areas that suffer due to their ambition. At such ...

#50 How To Use The Power of Linear and Circular Thinking with Kim Hudson
In this episode I am a talking to Kim Hudson, who began her career as an exploration geologist working in remote areas of northern Canada. She has consulted for First Nations as well as mineral companies, was a land negotiator for the Yuk...

#49 Let's Talk DEI - Right Conversations The Right Way with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
An honest everything DEI conversation with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne, a Physician, Thought Leader, Consultant and Master Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming. The founder of the Mind Re-Mapping Co., she helps individuals and organizations better...

#48 From Building a Purpose Driven Business that Rocks To Mediation and Love with Radek Sali -
Radek Sali stands as one of Australia’s most successful business people and a serial entrepreneur in the health and wellness sector. We sat down to discuss purpose, passion and love in business. He is the man who revolutionized the Swisse Welln...

#47 Arctic Wolves And Frost Bites with Ejaz Khan
Ejaz Khan was born and raised in a film family in India. He is a unique wildlife and fashion photographer in New York. He loves to bring attention to subjects that require awareness through his filmmaking and has captivated audiences with his w...

#46 A Legal Alien in New York with Laszlo Jakab Orsos
What does it mean to grow up as a minority and how do you break out of the life script? Where is racism worse, in Hungary or in the United States? What is the difference if you are an immigrant by choice and what is it like when you have no oth...

#45 Radical Therapy And Radical Life with Andrew Feldmar
What is mental illness and does it really exist? What is radical psychotherapy and what is behind depression? Can (and should() we give advice about life to each other? What is evil? Where do school shootings come from and what are the psycholo...

#44 Brain Matters with Iain McGilchrist
The mind and brain can be understood only by seeing them in the broadest possible context, that of the whole of our physical and spiritual existence, and of the wider human culture in which they arise – the culture which helps to mould, and in ...

#43 Rethinking Normal with Daniel B. Maté
I am sure that at least once in your life you wondered if it’s you, or the world around you that’s going crazy. Too often, when we are sad, mad or scared, we think something is wrong with us. But more often than not, it is the situation a...

#42 Heart and Inclusion in Leadership with Ray Arata
Ray Arata is the author of two books, Wake Up Man Up, Step Up: Transforming Your Wake Up Call to Emotional Health and Happiness and Showing Up: How Men Can Become Effective Allies in the Workplace.Ray is expert in leade...

#41 Daring to Live with Nick Papadopoulos
We like to think that life is a fair game and things will go well for us if we keep it together. But what happens when one day nature strikes, and you find out that you have Multiple Myeloma or some other potentially very dangerous disease? &nb...

#40 Of Mafia and Men with Aldo Civico
We romanticize criminality and the Mafia a lot. Endless movies stand as proof of our fascination. But only a few us know what we are really talking about. I reached out to an expert who does know a lot about both the Mafia and the Cartel....
Season 1
Episode 37

#39 with Nick LeForce on the Poetry of Life
Why is poetry such an important aspect of life? Why some people have such intimate connection with it while others struggle? Why do some men find it hard to connect with poetry and was it always this way? Nick LeForce, known as the “Transformat...

#38 Innocent. Slaved. Who Will Fight For Them?
We need to talk about the dark side of our society and masculinity, to be more aware and to take action. This time my guests are Alan Smyth who serves as the Executive Director for Saving Innocence, an anti-human trafficking, community based or...

#37 Of Wolfs and Men with John E. Marriott
In this episode you will learn how John E. Marriott, who is one of the world's premier professional wildlife photographers built a career around his passion and purpose. We discuss what he has learned as a men, father and citizen from the bears...

#36 The Power of the Subconscious Mind with Joel Weinberger, Ph.D.
In this episode you will learn about the power of the unconscious mind and how our brains work. We discuss how to build new habits and why humans still react as if we were still living in the desert. My guest is Joel Weinberger, Ph.D., is autho...

Hungarian Bonus Episode - Asztrik Varszegi Dr, Scholar and Archabbot - Tudatosság nélkül az élet elfolyik...
This is a bonus session for Hungarian speakers only.

#35 on War, Veterans and Grizzly Bears
In this episode you will learn about what’s addictive about war zones and why some of our brave fellow citizen journalists risk their life covering events everyone else just wants to run away from. We also explore what’s wrong with our approach...

#34 with Michael Katz on Meditation, Dreams and Getting Out of Your Own Way
In this episode you will learn about the power of meditation and how it can effect your mental health. You will also learn a lot about the importance of our dreams and how to make sense of them. This time my guest is Michael Katz psychologist, ...
Season 2

#33 with Marc Altheim about Men and Yoga
My guest is Marc Altheim is a yoga instructor and owner of a Yoga studio, Know Yoga Know Bliss, in Manhasset on Long Island, NY. He was formerly a real estate developer (co-founder of Atlantic Development Group) and founder of Beach Tennis USA,...

#32 to with Meir Feldman about When Your Brain Meets Your Soul
What happens when the your brain meets your soul? Is kindness possible from a place of strength? What is spirituality and what is the role of religion? How do you get more connection and meaning into you life? We have discussed and answered man...